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    Sector: Health

    Oxhey Hall provide innovative solutions to undertake NHS Backlog Condition Surveys and provide clients with a dynamic web-based lifecycle and capital planning model that continually informs Estates Strategy. Our M&E and Building surveyors utilise our in-house tablet survey solution improving efficiency, consistency and robustness of captured data. Our fully compliant NHS Backlog Methodology enables automatic population of ERIC returns. Oxhey Hall’s ‘Backlog+’ survey provides a more holistic approach to for your estate and supports the key recommendations of the Naylor Report.

    Not many good news stories so wanted to share a positive experience with Skanska FS at Walsall. Development of a backlog database and survey with our partners Oxhey Hall. The output is business intelligence which is accurate, meaningful and a vehicle to use as part of our day to day management and enable Estates Strategy. Thanks to all involved.

    Steve Lawley

    Head of Estates, Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust

    Working collaboratively with NHS Trusts and PFI consortia to produce meaningful asset data to inform estates strategy, maximising the efficiency of the estate within clinical environments and budgetary constraints.

    Our in-house surveying software enables us to produce fully compliant NHS Estates Code Backlog Methodology and six facet surveys. Our web-based models allow stakeholders to model their estate on many different basis, including criticality, to help prioritise spend within increasingly challenging budget cycles.

    Read our case profile on Walsall Manor Hospital, a key requirement of the project was to comply with the NHS Risk Based Methodology.

    If you are responsible for asset management of your healthcare estate, see how Oxhey Hall can help delver cost-effective asset management solutions using our experienced surveying teams and innovative in-house software solutions to help inform estates strategy.

    Six Facet Surveys

    Six-facet surveys assist NHS clients assess their estate commissioning, backlog maintenance, investment and asset strategies. We provide a thorough service, ensuring all clients can confidently appraise their estates with regards to use, condition and compliance. The facets covered under this service are:


    • FACET 1: Physical Condition Survey (Fabric & M&E) – The physical condition of the estate is assessed on three elements; the internal and external building fabric, mechanical systems and electrical systems.
    • FACET 2: Statutory Compliance Audit (inc. Fire) – Fire, health and safety are assessed on the property’s compliance to statutory legislation.
    • FACET 3: Space Utilisation Audit – Space Utilisation is assessed on a series of judgements made on the intensity of use i.e. the number of people using it and the frequency with which they use it.
    • FACET 4: Functional Suitability Review – Functional suitability is assessed on three elements; internal space relationships, support facilities and location.
    • FACET 5: Quality Audit – Quality is assessed on three elements; amenity, comfort and design.
    • FACET 6: Environmental Management Audit – Environmental management is assessed on the overall efficiency of the property, with energy being a critical factor.

    Health Care Journal

    We are delighted to feature in an article from the Health Estates Journal. We worked collaboratively with Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust and Skanska to produce a comprehensive NHS Risk adjusted backlog survey that provides multiple stakeholders with a dynamic web-based platform to help inform estates strategy.

    Key features of the article are highlighted on our case profile at https://oxheyhall.com/case-profiles/walsall-manor-hospital

    We are successfully implementing this innovative approach across several other NHS Trusts and in many of the other sectors that we work in.

    NHS Backlog Methodology

    Solutions interface with CAFM
    We understand that many organisations have invested considerably in various CAFM and Property software systems. Our asset management software allows for robust and structured data to easily interface and update these software systems, ensuring that you have one version of the truth without the need for additional investment.    
    Oxhey Hall is unique amongst national surveying companies in that we are the only one that has has its own in-house cloud based asset management software and also undertakes asset surveys – a truly one-stop shop. This fusion of Engineering, Commercial and Software knowledge enables us to to constantly innovate and push the boundaries of what can be achieved in the asset management area.    
    RICS Chartered
    As an RICS Chartered Surveying company we operate to the highest professional and ethical standards. We deliver a truly impartial service to give a clear and unbiased picture of your estate to better inform estates strategy.    
    Multi-site Portfolios
    Undertaking surveying programmes across multi-sites and can present real challenges in ensuring consistency of data. Our experienced surveyors, use our in-house software that has been developed by surveyors for surveyors. It is not only intuitive to use, but has many features that drives efficiency, accuracy and consistency.  
    Comprehensive Managed Approach
    Undertaking surveys of complex estates present as much a logistical challenge than any other. We have considerable experience in doing these and apply advanced project management techniques, from detailed logic plans to planned progress motoring systems to keep you informed of progress and ensure timely delivery of the survey and associated data.    
    Collaborative Approach
    There are a plethora of survey types and asset management solutions. We invest time at the outset to fully understand your needs and objectives so that we deliver an optimum solution in terms of time, cost and quality. Our in-house software and web-based reporting can can be tailored to meet your needs.    
    Lifecycle Modelling
    As our comprehensive surveys includes condition, remaining life, risk and critical of assets, they provide a rich source of data to develop a balanced and informed approach to life-cycle modelling. Our web-based life cycle modelling tools enables dynamic modelling of capital spend profiles to inform estates strategy, effectively manage budgetary constraints and prioritise spend.  

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